关于「 one time」的内容列表

Interest rate futures traders expect the Federal Reserve to make its next rate cut in May, having previously expected June.

Interest rate futures traders expect the Federal Reserve to make its next rate cut in May, having previously expected June.

2025-02-07 13:36:34
Interest rate futures traders expect the Federal Reserve to make its next rate cut in May

Interest rate futures traders expect the Federal Reserve to make its next rate cut in May, having previously expected June.

2025-02-07 13:39:51
Linea: Found 476,000 witch attack address, will not be airdropped

Linea has announced the completion of an additional analysis of witch attacks against LXP holders. The analysis found that around 476,000 addresses that show significant signs of witch attack activity will be added to the existing blacklist and will not receive LXP token airdrops. Users who believe they have been incorrectly flagged can submit a complaint via the feedback form within the next two weeks (as of 23:59 UTC on January 29, 2025). Linea says this is the last planned witch attack review...

2025-01-20 16:28:10
An address sells 565,000 VIRTUAL tokens for $1.73 million

According to Onchain Lens, a trader sold 565,000 VIRTUAL tokens at a price of $3.07 for 1.73 million USDC, causing the price to drop to $2.50 in an instant. It is reported that these VIRTUAL tokens were distributed from the Distributor wallet a year ago.

2025-01-16 00:43:49
Irish Police Arrest 3 Dark Web Money Laundering Alleged Offenders, Seize Cryptocurrency Worth $7.10 million

On August 9, it was reported that Irish police seized about 7.10 million dollars (about 6.50 million euros) worth of cryptocurrency in a raid in north Dublin. The operation was part of a major investigation into money laundering and illegal transactions in dark web markets, culminating in the arrest of three people, two men suspected of assisting a criminal organization to commit serious crimes, and another woman facing money laundering charges. National Cyber Crime Agency of Ireland Detective S...

2024-08-09 05:50:20

7x24 快讯

09:31 2025-03-15
Astar zkEVM拟于近期关停,建议用户在4月1日前提取资产
3月15日消息,Astar Network在X平台发文宣布,Astar zkEVM网络关停日期逐渐临近,建议用户在4月1日前提取所有资产。
09:22 2025-03-15
据Onchain Lens监测,某新建钱包过去2天从币安积累1215万枚SHELL,价值349万美元。
09:19 2025-03-15
据官方公告,币安表示已收到近期虚假短信诈骗的用户报告,发现巴林地区的用户尤其容易成为目标。 币安提醒绝不会通过电话联系用户,也不运营任何呼叫中心,短信仅用于发送OTP代码,不附带呼叫中心号码,唯一可信赖...
09:13 2025-03-15
08:52 2025-03-15
08:52 2025-03-15
Equilibria:已扩展至 Sonic 生态
08:16 2025-03-15
据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀的无人机组合出了有史以来最大的比特币符号,由 Gemini 创造了吉尼斯世界纪录。
07:54 2025-03-15
3月15日消息,据 News.bitcoin 报道,由 15 家中央银行支持的泛非支付与结算系统(PAPSS),正在试点一个货币平台,以便国家可以使用本地货币结算贸易。据路透社报道,该平台被称为非洲货币市场,计划在今年晚些时候推出。非洲货币平台的计划推出预计将有助于促进非洲内部贸易。 非洲货币平台的试点和计划推出恰逢一些非洲国家推进去美...
07:33 2025-03-15
07:33 2025-03-15
亿万富豪Marc Lasry:特朗普政策不确定性冲击之下,经济可能无法幸免地陷入衰退
Avenue Capital Group联合创始人、亿万富豪MarcLasry表示,唐纳德·特朗普政策的不确定性,尤其是关税政策,阻碍了想利用市场机会的投资者。 当市场不知道该做什么的时候,那就是个问题了,65岁的Lasry周五在纽约大学的信贷机会研讨会上表示。在这样的情况下,一个经济体是无法幸免的,这样只会导致一切都放缓,可能令经济陷入衰退。(金十)
06:56 2025-03-15
10x Research:比特币或再次进入8个月震荡期,市场缺乏“逢低买入”动能
10x Research 研究主管 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币可能会重演 2024 年的走势,在创下历史新高后进入长时间的震荡整理阶段。他指出,目前比特币的技术图形呈现出“高位紧旗形”形态,通常被认为是看涨延续模式,但当前结构显示出一定的疲软迹象,表明市场处于不确...
06:26 2025-03-15
YZi Labs负责人:资金正从Meme回流至山寨币,Meme币没有基本面故无法维持
3月15日消息,YZiLabs(原Binance Labs)负责人EllaZhang在接受BeInCrypto采访时表示,虽然社区驱动的叙事为投资者提供了更公平的切入点,但由于基本面疲软,他们随着时间的推移失去了动力。EllaZh...